My Portfolio

Social Bug App

A Social Media App called Social Bug. Able to make, like, and comment on posts. Delete posts or comments that you have made. This porject uses JavaScript, ReactJS, GraphQL for API, and apollo-server.

Forage Full-Stack Web App

This Web App utilizes Handlebars, JavaScript, Express, node.js, new API's and packages to create a great experience throughout the webpage.

work day scheduler

A simple calendar application that allows the user to save events for each hour of the day starting from 9 to 17 (9 - 5). This app will run in the browser and feature dynamically updated HTML and CSS powered by jQuery.


This project is a Note App using node.js and express.js as the backend. This app is a browser-ready note taker that you can have a subject and have content inside for the notes. Once you are done making your notes you can save the note and it will appear on the left hand side for you to click back and see your previously written note(s). It has a easy-going interface with a pleasant color scheme to not irritate the eyes. This is all useful thanks to jQuery, express, and the json file to be able to make a dynamic system of writing files and saving them for later use.


A React project to be able to sort and filter through employees and show visually in real-time. Using technologies : Reactjs, Nodejs, gh-pages.


As Forage Full-Stack Web App was Handlebars, JavaScript, and css. Me and a team used Reactjs, Mongoose/MongoDB, Express, Nodejs, JWT for authentication.